First, blogging about packing preparations is not easy or exciting. This is my excuse for the time lapse between my last post and now.
My departure has been officially confirmed! I will be leaving Seattle June 7 for my two day staging in Philadelphia. Then it's off to Burkina Faso!
Up to this point it seemed like I had a lot of time, but now there's hardly any left. I'm currently working on tying up loose ends (selling my car, bike, etc.) and trying to figure out what I can actually bring considering weight restrictions. For instance, yesterday I discovered that I really value Burt's Bees lip balm...weird. I'm now planning on bringing a two-year supply and wondering how many tubes that will equate to.
Picture testing time: these are the furry ones I'll be leaving (Hunter, Denali and Sam). Hunter has never been photogenic, yet he always looks at the camera.
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