This morning I just experience my first overt: "Could you change the grade of a student as a favor to {insert name}?" It was a fellow teacher asking me to do it and they took an underhanded approach. They said that Action Social (THE Burkinabé advocacy group for those without a voice) was involved. Yeah right! I think a group that advocates equality would have better things to involve themselves with.
The end of the school year is fast approaching. The grades are almost fixed and finished and tomorrow is full of teacher meetings. Football games are underway, danses have happened and there was even a defilé on Friday evening. The closest thing in the US would be a beauty contest. In this case the girls dressed in traditional clothing and walked down the "run way" carrying traditional objects (bowls of milk, spindles, baskets, calabashes etc.). I was asked by a colleage, Noëlie, to take her place as a judge.
pre-defilé entertainment
the "husband" of the 1st place girl reading the sands
trying my best to judge the following categories: 1) traditional clothing; 2) expression; and 3) beauty and harmony of traditional clothing
Noëli and myself