Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Three Amigos

I thought I should give these guys their own blog post since they make me smile so often. The kittens belong to my host family and were born about the same time I arrived in Burkina Faso, so they’re about two months old now. We’ve had many incidents of “disappearing kittens”. They usually end up locked in the boutique across the street, the why/how of which stills remains a mystery.

I’ve named the three according to their personalities.
Gros is the biggest. He doesn’t really say much and basically eats and sleeps when not playing.

Méchant is not a nice kitten. He’s constantly trying to attack his bothers and mother. He’s actually very afraid of everything. I think that explains a lot about his personality.

Bruit talks a lot! He’s also incredibly smart and has taken to following me around. Usually he ends up sitting with me on my canteen while I read a book. Bruit is my favorite kitten.

The family



Méchant (left) and Gros (right)


Méchant about to attack Bruit


Unknown said...

The Bridget Brigade..sweet! But, my, what big ears they have!

Anonymous said...

Just what I was thinking! Can you take Bruit when you go to your site?

Unknown said...

Hi Bridget! HSDC misses you terribly! We love you....send us your address so we can send care packages! WE'll DHL it with Jodi. Love lots...Lindsay, Bee, Eric, and Candace