Monday, September 22, 2008

My morning run

So now that I have achieved better health I’ve started running. My house is very close to the edge of town and I’ve found a perfect route through the crop fields. It’s very relaxing (except for the hum of a power plant nearby) and the early morning smells are heavenly.

Here is a recap in pictures of my run this morning. I probably won’t run with my camera again though. Awkward! Not only is holding it difficult, but I already get a lot of attention from my neighbors when I run as is. Adding a shiny camera into the mix wasn’t helpful at all. Also I’m not comfortable with taking pictures of people yet, as you may have noticed. So here are some plant pictures with a few animals thrown in for fun!
The start of my route

Everyone is starting to wake up

I almost feel like I'm in "Nature" at this point

Surprisingly not poo!

Just a shy turtle

Fields on both sides

Pumpkin berries - don't know what they are yet, but they remind me of little green pumpkins

There are not a lot of trees, but the ones that exist branch nicely and are fun to look at.

Pod plant

Green beans! They're available in the marché now, very exciting.

Pink flower that resembles the okra flower which is yellow.

Bike tire killers. Before I could come to the cyber today I had to repair two holes in my bike tire caused by these.

Crooked tree

Similar to the corn here, but slightly different. Posted because I like the tassles.

Local "blue" grass with pretty purple seeds

There aren't a lot of flowers so these guys really stand out

I can be happy anywhere tiny blue flowers exist.

The trees have really rough bark

Back to civilization


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe your "corn" may be sorghum also called milo. I have large fields of it around my house here in KS.
Love reading your blog and seeing a different part of the world.