Monday, November 17, 2008

Cattle (Naafo)

As promised, a post with lots of bovine pictures. I took a trip to a nearby village this weekend and as luck would have it, it was marché day. There were pesgo, booga, boanga and naafo everywhere! (sheep, goats, donkeys and cattle respectively)

First up are pictures from a barrage not far from village. While sitting there, eating a snack, a group of boys herded their cattle to the water for a drink.

They ran to the water, drank and took a nice relaxing break.

The cattle finally left the water after a couple of calls from the boys. Not once did the boys yell or use ropes; they just politely told the cattle what to do. It was really cool to watch!

The fierce cattle herders

While taking photos of the general melee at the marché, a man came up and asked if I would take a picture of his nag-raogo (bull). I quickly obliged, any excuse to take a picture of burkinabè cattle since they are so beautiful and graceful. Much to my surprise the bull wasn't burkinabè, but french and not handsome at all! Poor guy! At least he proves my point.

marché - cattle section

Check out the horns!
Monsieur Bull - french bovine (See not as pretty!)

Cattle herd on my route home

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lots of cows! Reminds me of home! Glad you are enjoying yourself over there. :) -Wes