Saturday, December 27, 2008

2008 Wrap-Up

Well 2008 hasn't been the easiest year by a long shot, so I'm not really sad to see it go. To avoid dwelling on the negative, some very wonderful things did happen this year:
  • I discovered the love of my life
  • My family and friends are wonderful and I'm so lucky to have them
  • Denali and Hunter are Alaskan cats now (thanks Deb, John and Sarah!) and Sam has found some courage
  • US politics – Obama won
  • I'm living in a cool country with very cute baby goats, a mango season, scorpions (just killed #8) and bissap.

Now that school is on break I've turned my attention to working on my house and so has the city of Ouahigouya. It looks like I'll have running water in 2009! That means I'll be able to plant flowers and trees in my courtyard soon.

Je souhaite la bonne année à tout le monde!

The site of my future robinet/faucet.

I have my very own moat... now where's the water?


The Goatherd said...

What a great post! And I can't believe that you're going to get running water. Wow. That will make it fun. I agree with you on 2008. I'm a bit ambivelent about the new year though....

Do you want any movies? Do they have to be a specific kind of DVD or just any kind will do?

Minos said...

Happy New Year!