Life in Burkina is always interesting, but can be really difficult emotionally.
I've been meaning to write about the beggar kids that you find everywhere, but the subject is a bit disheartening. All around Burkina (and from what I've heard and read, all of West Africa) are kids begging with large red tomato paste cans, or any other food receptacle for that matter. They can be found alone or in groups and are in their teens or very young. They beg in the market, on the street and in residential neighborhoods. They are truly everywhere.
These kids are supposed to be begging to learn a life lesson while also learning the Koran from a marabout. In many places the exploitation of these children is running rampant. I'm not sure about the kids in my area, since they are very happy to receive food and rarely ask for money.
I found a nice explanation of the garibous (aka talibés) at Africa Flak. There are also a couple of news stories from the AP and IRIN.
Recently the garibous have discovered my house. Nassaras (foreigners) are perceived as being rich whether or not it's true. I made the "mistake" of giving food to them one night. They came back in force and now are calling and pounding on my door sometimes twice a day.
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