Saturday, May 23, 2009

"Wooo Hoooo!" – words of happiness from the sagacious beloved

Woo hoo #1: School is over! Yes things have finally come to an end(ish) for my first year here in Burkina. I contemplated writing an expository post on my first year of teaching, but I just can't bring myself to do it and I don't know why. The time has gone by extremely fast considering that I will have been here a whole year at the beginning of June. Although time almost always goes fast for the overworked and stressed (it hasn't been too stressful here).

School actually ended for me the May 15(ish). There were multiple "grèves syndicats" (union strikes) May 13 – 16, the week I had chosen for my final exams. So I bumped them up to the week before with my last test being on May 8. I handed the tests back and told the kids their grades the following week, entered the grades in the books on May 14 and proctored the national tests (kind of like the CTBS assessment tests) on the 15th. Et voilà! ... I was finished(ish). Technically we still had school last week, but students had gone back to village, teachers went on a mini-vacation and everyone was just too tired to keep going. Our conseils (teacher meetings) are May 25 – 27 and then I guess everything is officially over.

There remains only the big tests, the BEPC (entrance exam for lycée - 2nd cycle) and the BAC, on June 4th and 18th respectively.

Woo hoo #2: I'm coming back to the US for a much needed vacation at the end of June! How I feel about this can be summed up by :o) and >^··^< (kind of ... really this is just cutely weird and I couldn't resist sharing).

Woo hoo #3: I can now identify when the french subjunctive should be used ... some of the time.

Woo hoo #4: I finished the "Twilight" series. My brain will hopefully return to pre-"Twilight" levels shortly. Although I must admit I've watch the move a few times because of the scenary (filmed in Oregon and Washington). The Olympic Peninsula is my favorite region of Washington State and the book takes place not far from my favorite beach.

Woo hoo #5: I just turned 30 and the first big rain of the season happened on my birthday. Doesn't get much better than that!


Heather Gamel said...

That's awesome Bridg that you are have so many woo hoo moments! Jody and I can't wait to see you in July!!! I can't believe you have been there almost year and before you know it, your second year will be done. Miss and love you!

Rachel said...

Happy 30th MANY times over! I can't wait until you get here in the summer. And congrats on the first year. The second will fly by. The subjunctif is a real achievement! I only could use it on tests!!!

Bridget said...

Thanks H and R! Can't wait to see you!!!

Minos said...

Would that I could use the subjunctive correctly all of the time and would that I were only thirty years of age! Congrats on all the woohoos!