Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pretty Pictures from the North

As I've mentioned before, Djibo is (so far) my favorite Burkina town.  Here are some pictures from my trip to Djibo and Baraboulé at the beginning of September.

At first when I stumbled upon the rocks and sticks hanging from the tree I was confused, but then I put it together - it's a "playground"!  The sticks and rope are a swing and rocks are always good fun.

 The Djibo library, novels on the left and science/how-to books on the right.

 A group of girls (6ème age) that came in for a meeting with two of my fellow volunteers.  They came in, said "bonsoir" and started reading right away, a few out loud.  I was completely impressed.

Rocks around Baraboulé at sunset.  A little too small for climbing.  There was a really nice hand crack splitting one of them though... probably need to visit again and try it.

A field - the "rock" is a mileage marker for the next village.

Reason #1 why the north is so cool:  camels!

 I talked to the owner and was informed that this camel is 4 years old and that they can live to be 40.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Cool. I love the "playground." So does the library need more books if I send you some?