Monday, February 23, 2009


Last week I experienced something resembling an epiphany. The Harmattan was particulary fierce after class one day, so much so that I ended up riding home in a choking dust cloud. It was then that I decided to become like a chinchilla.

"[Chincillas] instinctively clean their fur by taking dust baths, in which they roll around in special chinchilla dust made of fine pumice. In the wild their dust is formed from fine ground volcanic rocks. The dust gets into their fur and absorbs oil and dirt. These baths are needed a few times a week. Chinchillas do not bathe in water because the dense fur prevents air-drying, retaining moisture close to the skin, which can cause fungus growth or fur rot. A wet chinchilla must be dried immediately with towels and a no-heat hair dryer. The fur is so thick that it resists parasites such as fleas. The fur also reduces loose dander, making chinchillas hypo-allergenic." source: Wikipedia

Besides enjoying dust baths chinchillas are crazy cute. Somehow thinking of cute furry rodents makes dealing with all this dust more bearable. That and I've become a huge fan of wearing surgical masks in public. The blue color is really quite fashionable.

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