Friday, May 1, 2009


Here are some recent books I've read:

"No god but God" by Reza Aslan- This book is a must read for everyone. Seriously go find it and read it now. The author sketches and narrates an excellent history of Islam from Muhammad to present day.

"Tipping Point" and "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell - My favorite was "Tipping Point", but both are excellent. Interesting ideas made fascinating by good storytelling.

"Mixed Emotions" by Greg Child (Thanks Rachel!) - I've always loved reading Greg Child's articles in climbing magazines. This book is a compilation of his early writing. It was so refreshing to read a good book on alpinism considering how hot it is here!

"Twilight" and "New Moon" by Stephanie Meyer - If you're looking for quick, no-thinking reads look no further than this vampire series. Each took a day to read. The second book was much better than the first, but I'm scared to reach for the third and fourth books. [For a great vampire book though may I recommend "Sunshine" by Robin McKinley.]


Rachel said...

Someone else recommended those Twilight books, too. Guess I'll have to check them out now, even if it's not quite my arena. Glad you liked the book! I figured a bit of snow, even if just on paper, would be a refresher. And it's the kind of book you can leave for the next guy with no qualms. Lots of the real snow here, or at least there was. Now it's mostly melted.

Minos said...

If you liked "Tipping Point", try "The Wisdom of Crowds" by James Serewiecki.