Thursday, May 28, 2009

School is out!

I just attended the last teacher meeting of the school year. All that remains is a small shindig tonight, but everything is now officially over!

I haven't taken many pictures of my students, mostly because I don't like getting my camera out. (The kids get much too excited.) Here are a couple pictures my 5ème Math class taking their end of school tests.


Rachel said...

Your students all look so young! And the picture really shows how many students you have at once. Wow. So what do the PC teachers do during the summer? Are there summer classes or is it a time of vacation for you like it is here?

Bridget said...

The really young kids tend to sit up front and the older students in back. It's not so much an age thing as making sure everyone can see the board.

As for what PC teachers do during the summer; most of us are either taking vacation (too hard to do during the school year), working the new PST (training new PCVs) or working on secondary projects. After my vacation I'll be cleaning up my lycée's lab and doing some other small projects.