Thursday, October 2, 2008

A (Very Brief) History & Other News

I’m living in Yatenga province, home of the Mossi kingdom of Yatenga. The Mossi are the most influential ethnic group in Burkina Faso. Exploring Mossi history is going to be fun because it’s so fantastic. The US was founded by Pilgrims and a bunch of white guys at assemblies. They can’t possibly compare to the founder of the Mossi kingdom: a warrior princess named Yennenga! How cool is that? Much more on this in the future. I promise it is very exciting and explains why almost everyone here has the family name Ouédraogo (stallion in Mooré).

Currently I’m involved in preparing lesson plans for my classes. We just had our start of the school year teacher meeting at my lycée and classes will truly start next week. It’s really nice to have a job again.

Also Amy just dropped off my new kitten. Evidently his mother disappeared and his siblings were all killed, poor kitten. I’m struggling to figure out what to do with him. It’s not like home where I could by kitten formula and I have no supply of towels! I just fed the little guy powdered milk and that went alright.

On an equally sad note, my host family's kittens were stolen. No Bruit or Gros anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stealing cats is not cool.